Monday, May 24, 2010
This is it: The Re-Launch
My site has moved:
The new blog is dedicated to health and wellness. At you'll see my meal plans (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!) designed so you can follow along, meal planning tips and tricks, recipes, and tips on health and wellness. Please visit, follow and bookmark my new blog. I'm really really really excited to see you there!
P.S. If you haven't seen the Best Of: Shawnee's creations, check that out too! (See below)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Best of Shawnee's Creations
Until then, here are my Best Of: Shawnee's Creations! These are recipes I created. I couldn't narrow it down to just 5.
8. Sweet Sundried Tomato Balsamic Dressing
7. Fiesta Hummus
6. Vegetarian Black Bean Pocket
5. Pasta, Spinach and Walnut Salad
4. Paper Plate Omelet (You gotta check this one out)
2. Easy Peasy Almost Carbonara
1. Prosciutto Wrapped Turkey Patties
The past year of blogging has been really fun. I've learned a lot about myself as a person, cook, health enthusiast and a blogger. I am ready to turn the page in this blogging adventure. Come back tomorrow.
Best of Breakfast
For now enjoy my favorite breakfasts of the past year.
5. Fruit, Yogurt and Granola
Best of Healthy Sides
For now, take a look at the top 5 sides I made this past year. Most of them are adapted from others' recipes. Enjoy.
1. Zucchini and Green Pepper Cakes
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Best of Healthy Desserts
4. Raw "Brownie
What was the best dessert you've made so far this year?
Check back tomorrow for Best of Side Dishes.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Best of Healthy Meals
For tonight's blog I've picked out the past years' top five healthy meals, all of which I created. Most of the meals I create are healthy, so I had a hard time narrowing it down to five. Enjoy!
5. Black Bean, Rice and Turkey Enchiladas
4. BBQ Chicken and Mushroom Tacos
3. Healthy Shrimp Fried Rice
2. Corn Tortilla Pizzas
1. Stuffed Romaine Leaves
Tomorrow is Best of Desserts!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Best Of: Sandwiches
For now check out my top 5 "Best of Sandwiches." I love sandwiches. There are some weeks when the only thing I have for dinner are sandwiches. All of these sandwiches, wraps and burgers where created and enjoyed by me. So check them out. I've included the post link to each one too for recipes and meal ideas!
5. Hot Cream Cheese, Tomato and Basil Sandwich
4. Spinach Salad Wrap
3. Black Bean Tortilla Burger
Did you see yesterday's post? I set some really good goals for myself! See you tomorrow for the Top 5 Best of Healthy Meals!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Counting down to the Re-Launch!
A little over a month ago my blog entered modus hiatus (aka I stopped blogging). Because I'm not perfect, I realized I needed a break -- a time of re-evaluation if you will. Also, in a moment of insanity, my fellow coworker, foodie and bloggin' buddy and I signed up to take an Abnormal Psychology class. We were out of our minds. Perhaps, our psyche was in a state of abnormality?
Anyway, for the last month I've been plotting the re-launch of my blog (this is not it). I've got ideas people. I've got direction. But until the monumental re-launch takes place, I'd like to revisit this past year. A year in review if you will. Today, I want to go over last years goal, and tomorrow I'll begin the "Best of" series. Are you totally psyched?
Goals for the 25th Year of My Life
On my 25th birthday last year (May 4, 2009), I set some goals for myself. Below are the goals I set and... what I really accomplished.
-Sing karaoke with my best friend, Michelle Check! Seattle girl's trip of 2009 (Note the date in that picture is wrong. Stupid timer).
-Re decorate my bathroom.

-Lose at least 10 pounds.
Not check. But I trained for and ran a 5k. Below is my first race SWAG.
-Publish a few more articles. Kind of check. I published my first full feature article in Just Between Us Magazine. Check out Is Chick Lit Hurting your Marriage? But I haven't really done anything since.
26th Birthday Goals
-Train for a 10k
-Study for and pass the test to be a Certified Group Exercise Teacher
-Increase my Yoga practice for entrance into Yoga Teacher training
-Plan my meals and my days
-Stay connected with friends and family
-Write and publish a couple more articles
-Come out of the blogging closet (yes, only a select few of my friends and family know I'm a blogger)
I feel like those are reasonable goals. That's it folks. This is me. Take me or leave me.
Tomorrow's blog: The Best of Sandwiches. I'll be revisiting the best sandwiches I made since this blog's conception.