Corn Tortilla Pizzas
I am sure this is not totally unique, and that someone, somewhere has made pizzas on corn tortillas. And let's not forget tostadas!
Here is how I make my corn tortilla pizzas:
- Organic Canola Oil spray (no calories)
- 3 corn tortillas
- Hunts 100% Natural Tomato Sauce
- Dried Basil
- Tomato
- Spinach
- Mozzarella Cheese 1 oz
- Parmesan Cheese Less than one tbsp
Easy-peasy and so good I had it for lunch and dinner! A week a go or so, I made these, but more like tostadas. I had left over enchilada sauce, chicken breast, tomato, salsa and sour cream. Delish!
So Good Summer Fruit Salad
I love making fruit salads.
In this bowl:
- Half a ripe cantaloupe
- 1 cup of sliced strawberries
- 1 cup of blueberries
- Juice from half a lemon
I had one cup of this to go with my 3 corn tortilla pizzas for lunch. I topped it with a small drizzle of honey and less about 2 tbsp of granola.
Fiesta Worthy Hummus and Tasting PlatterAnyway, after my ride, I was starving. I had about 3/4 of a can of chickpeas left over from a salad that I tried to eat the other day. I had to pick off all the chickpeas. I decided, they're not for me. So I made some Fiesta worthy Hummus.
- 3/4 a can of chickpeas drained and rinsed (though you could probably use a whole can)
- 3 tbsp Hunts 100% All Natural Tomato Sauce
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- Juice from half a lemon
- Quarter to a half of a bell pepper (I used red and yellow)
- Quarter of an onion
- 1/4 cup of cilantro
- 1 garlic clove
- Salt, pepper and CHILE Powder to taste
Put all ingredients into the food processor and mix until blended.
As you can see, I served mine with cucumbers, carrots, flat bread crisps (I ended up eating 8). No, I did not put the hummus on the egg. I just needed more protein as I hadn't had any at all.
Oh and by the way, a little hummus goes a long way. I only used up 1/8 of a cup for all that stuff.Calories In / Calories Out:
I decided after my platter to add everything up on SparkPeople. It's a good thing I did too. I only had a few calories left.
Calories Burned: 450
Calories Burned: 450
I really really enjoyed my bike ride. It didn't even feel like work. :) I love exercise like that.
I am feeling it today though. My calves are tight and my buns hurt. That's the worst part of bike riding, it tends to make your rear sore.
21 Day New Habit Challenge:

So far so good. The hardest part of the challenge so far has been waking up at 5:45 a.m. I haven't gotten as much sleep as I would like to.

So far so good. The hardest part of the challenge so far has been waking up at 5:45 a.m. I haven't gotten as much sleep as I would like to.
On the agenda for today:
Clean house, exercise, read my book, and write paper. I may need to go to the grocery store too. But I can probably put that off until tomorrow.
Blessings all,
P.S. Don't forget to be your best today. Don't try to be somebody else's best. ;)
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