Monday, August 31, 2009
I always feel like somebody's watchin me

Friday, August 28, 2009
Peaches and Cream: Is there a better way to start my day?
I finally feel like I have a little direction at my new job. It's always intimidating starting a new job and learning how things work. This position is kind of scary in that I'm dealing with people's lives. Well, their education anyway.
I'm in charge of recruiting, informing, and getting prospective adults enrolled in our Family Studies degree completion program. For many of the adults, this is their last chance to finish the degree they've put off for 20 years (or whatever), or it's their chance to get involved in ministry or counseling and help people who've struggled with the same problems the prospective student has struggled with; problems such as drugs and alcohol, or physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
Anyway, I am the one who has to make sure these adults are on track with their incoming (or transferring) credits, I have to make sure they complete all the steps necessary to be accepted, and as of right now I, along with my director, am the acceptance committee.
It's a huge job, with tons of stuff to learn. I've felt like I've had stuff just kind of thrown at me in terms of paper work and responding to students. In the midst of all that paper work, I've also had students "walk in." In these cases I have to drop what I'm doing and go over the program with them. Of course, for now I have another coworker in there with me.
Ok, that's more than you ever wanted to know about what I do. LOL sorry. I just think I needed to write that to see who important my job is! :)
Anyway, on to eats...
Peaches and Cream!
- One whole peach, sliced into sections
- 1 serving of organic Greek yogurt
- 1/4 cup of oats
- 2 tsp of brown sugar
- 1 tbsp of butter (or I used Smart Balance Light)
- A sprinkle of Cinnamon
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Just an OK kind of day
I also didn't exercise yesterday. I ended up blogging my exercise time away and ran out of time. :( I planned on doing it when I got home, but I got home an hour later than usual and ended up just veggin' out.
I'm trying to not be too hard on myself. I'm hoping I'm tired because I'm still getting into the groove of working longer hours and waking up early. Who knows.
Anyway, I have exactly a 1/2 hour to exercise in the morning and I need to burn optimal calories during that time. I do my run/walk 3 days a week. I need something else to do on the off days.
I have a series of strength training exercises I can do, but I would also like to implement some cardio. Anyone have any suggestions? Any cardio/strength training videos that are only a 1/2 hour?
Well, wish me luck today. I'm going out to lunch for my coworker's birthday. Sometimes I wish we lived in a society where we didn't celebrate with food.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Journaling, Weigh-In and Questioning Life
Pizza Wraps:
Dinner ended up being super quick and easy with my Hawaiian Pizza Wraps.
- Flour Tortilla
- Cheese
- Ham/Canadian Bacon
- Pineapple
- Tomato slices
- Pizza sauce
The amount of each ingredient doesn't matter, just stuff that tortilla to your hearts content.
Calories in/Calories Out
Calories in: 1668
Calories out: 237
My goal (as of now) is 1700 calories in and 288 calories out. This is what I need to do to lose 1 pound a week.
I only have a 1/2 hour every morning to exercise, and so sometimes I don't meet my 288 calorie goal. I guess I need to think about possibly cutting my calories in :( . Not something I want to think about doing right now.
Click here to see my cals in/out details at SP. Oh and you might be able to click the pic of my journal above, no promises though. :P Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Weigh in Wednesday:
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Look who's back, back again
Happy Tuesday everyone! I am on my lunch break at work, so I'm going to make this super fast. :)
Last week: I fell off the face of the earth by choice last week. I just woke up and decided, I'm going to take the day off from blogging. Though, I fully intended on blogging on Sunday. Anyway...
Thursday Night's Dinner: Lemon/Citrus Chicken
I borrowed a cook book from Brittany that has nothing but fabulous crock pot meals in it. I tried the Lemon Citrus Chicken one.
- Watched "The Soloist" (Great film)
- Watched "Knowing" (Ok-cheesy ending though)
- Began watching season 1 of Heros (L-O-V-E IT! Yes, I'm a nerd at heart)
- Cleaned the whole house (8 man hours between Josh and I)
- Hiked all of Silver Creek Falls (8 miles)
- Planned all of my meals for the week
I don't normally watch that many movies or TV in a weekend, but I was so exhausted from my first week of work that I just wanted to relax. It really felt good.
I started food journaling again!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Kashi Kraze
So late last night after youth group, my husband and I drove to Safeway. I had two of those $1.50 coupons, but they say one per person. I made my hubby buy one separately. Oh and we also had one of Safeway's double off coupon for up to .50. So the total discount ended up being $2 off. :)
Anyway I got about $23 worth of Kashi products for 12! I was very excited when I realized that each box of the Go Lean Crunch cereal contained two snack sized pouches of crackers, and they have two $1 off coupons on the back of the boxes. :)
Major score!!
Anyway, I really do have to make this one short this morning. I'm about 45 minutes behind my morning schedule. I'm thinking I don't have time to exercise. I am going to attempt to force myself to do it tonight.
Go to www.kashi.com for your $1.50 off coupon! I printed off a couple more just in case.
Happy Thursday everyone! Tomorrow's Friday. Yippee. :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The way snacks were meant to be
I thought I would take a picture of my lunch for today, which I packed last night.
The method behind my lunch madness? Well, I was reading an article in Real Simple magazine that talked about snacks and what they should include to keep you full and energized throughout the day. Basically your snacks should have bulk, protein, and a carb.
Thus, each of my snacks/meals have bulk with the fruits and veggies, which are also my carbs in most cases, and protein. I have protein in the yogurt, the beans/turkey in the enchiladas, a slice of cheese, and almond butter.
Of course we've all heard that we should eat smaller meals throughout the day. I fully agree. Smaller meals will keep you satisfied longer.
Anyway, my in-service day went well yesterday. There was a whole lot of talking going on, but being a Christian work environment, I kind of enjoyed some of it.
All three meals were included. For breakfast I had eggs, hash browns and a large serving of fruit. For lunch I ate a salad and splurged on the blue cheese dressing. :) I also had a half sandwich with turkey and pepper jack cheese. Oh and I also had a cookie which I should not have eaten, 'cause it kind of pushed my full-o-meter over the top. For dinner I had a salad, a small chicken breast, a small scoop of potato salad, and a dinner role.
I think throughout the rest of the day I ate a banana, a plumb, two starbursts, grapes and a slice of smoked Gouda.
I did not exercise yesterday. My excuse was that I had to leave for work at 7:30 a.m. and I didn't get home until 7:30 p.m. I was really tired, but I should have still forced myself to at least walk for a few minutes.
I'm now off to run and shower. Today is day 3 of my new job. Wish me luck. :)
Blessings to all,
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I so forgot to name this post this morning...oops
- 2 tbsp oil and 2 tbsp flour (to make a roux)
- 1 can of Hunts all natural tomato sauce
- 2 cups water
- 2 tbsp chili powder (or less)
I can't tell you all the directions (cause I can't remember), though you make the roux and then add the other ingredients and cook on low until thick.
I make my own sauce because one it's much cheaper and two I've only ever found one enchilada sauce that I love and it just disappeared. After making my own, I've come to the conclusion that mine is just as good.
Eating Assessment of Yesterday
I feel like I ate rather well yesterday. I started off with a serving of oatmeal with banana, 2 tsp of brown sugar, 10 chocolate chips :) , 1 tbsp flax and 1/2 cup of Vanilla Almond Breeze. I also had a cup of coffee with Truvia and Almond Milk.
For lunch I ate a salad with my own homemade dressing, 1/2 oz blue cheese, 1 tbsp sunflower seeds, 1/2 serving of raisins. I also had a single portioned Oikos with 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/8 cup homemade granola.
For my snacks I had 1 serving of grapes, 1 slice of smoked Gouda, 1/2 cup of cucumber slices, 1 carrot, and 1 tbsp almond butter. I also had 5 Starbursts. :)
For dinner I ended up eating 5 of my enchiladas. *YIKES* I know that's a lot, but when I sit down and think about it, the corn tortillas are only 50 calories each and the filling is minimal. I think I'm looking at about 500 calories total for dinner. For dessert, I had my last Pumpkin Raisin Oatmeal cookie.
Anyway, I don't usually type out everything I eat, but it's beneficial for me to see it all listed. I really really want to get back into the habit of writing it all down in my journal and posting my journal page.
Well folks, thank you for reading. I'm now off to shower and get ready to go in early for an In service day. A long day of all the VPs talking about their vision and what not. Hey, at least breakfast, lunch and dinner are included!
Remember to take one day at a time, and love yourself as you are and where you are.
Loves and Hugs,
P.S. I plan on catching up on blog reading tonight.
P.P.S I also just thought I should say that even though I might sound negative about my job, I'm really not. I'm just really tired from working longer hours. :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Why I'm never home on the weekends...
Because I start my new job today, I did some preparations yesterday in order to make my week go by a little more smoothly.
First, I made a fruit tray. My husband is always telling me that if he could see the fruit, he'd eat it. So, I am taking my chances of the fruit possibly going bad...
- Monday: Enchiladas
- Tuesday: BBQ with all my new coworkers
- Wednesday: Chicken salads
- Thursday: Whole Lemon/Citrus Chicken
- Friday: Chicken Quesadillas
- Saturday: Soup and Sandwiches
To prepare, I cooked two chicken breasts and chopped them up for easy chicken salads and chicken quesadillas.
I also cooked some ground beef for Josh's enchiladas and for other beef dishes later in the month.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Fried Oatmeal!?
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 2 egg whites
- 1/2 cup blueberries
- 1/2 tbsp of Smart Balance butter
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1 tbsp Almond Butter to top
So I set out to make some "Oatmeal Pancakes" for dinner. Now, they're not really pancakes, 'cause they do not require wheat flour. How I usually make them is...Place the oats in a circle in a small non stick coated pan fry pan. Beat the egg whites and poor over the top. Heat through, and flip once. Top with fruit, butter, sugar and other toppings.
But here's what really happened...I started out cooking the oats with the eggs, but then DUN DUN DUN they stuck! So I just stirred them up in a sort of scramble, and added the blueberries to the fry pan.
I made my own "syrup." By melting the butter and sugar in the microwave and pouring it over the top. I also added almond butter.
This made a pretty good dinner last night.
After dinner I counted a 1/2 hour long water balloon fight with our youth group as my workout.
I must confess that I ate 3 Oreos and two pop tarts yesterday. :( That is not so helpful for the healthy eating. But I am not going to stress out about it. I'm just going to do better today! Oh and I lost a pound! Woo Hoo. I am back down to 170.4. YAY!
My stomach is feeling a little better today. It at least didn't wake me up last night. Thank you, both for caring :) LOL.
Well folks, tonight I leave for my best friend's house in Roseburg. She's planning a little mini escape for us. I'm excited.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Where have all the cowboys gone?
Last night for dinner I made homemade bbq chicken pizza on my homemade whole wheat crust, but I was so hungry I forgot to take a picture. It wasn't that pretty anyway.
Health wise yesterday I was not feeling so hot. See I have these stomach issues, which the doctors thought was a gall bladder problem, but after very expensive and exhausting testing, we found out its not. Grrr... doctors. There are a couple other things it could be, but I am staying away from the doctor for a little while, as I racked up some doctors bills. :(
Anyway, my issue or flareup as I like to call, it has been waking me up the past couple nights. I've never had that happen before. It's been getting pretty bad so I have to eat bland and boring foods for the next couple of days.
For breakfast I had oatmeal, plain almond milk, a banana, and a tbsp of honey. For lunch I'll have plain rice and apple sauce. I haven't even thought of dinner yet. I sure wish i had a sweet potato.
I didn't exercise last night. Though I should have. Exercise is actually pretty beneficial to my problem. I am going to try to run tonight.
Anyway, sorry there are no pictures. Hope you all have a good day.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Shrimp Fried Rice and a New Dressing!
Health wise: I've definitely done better these last couple of days than I did over Thursday and Friday. I really really need to start journaling again. Even if I only keep track of what I eat for my stomach issues. That would be better than nothing. Oh and I am so running 15 minutes strait! Woohoo. Pretty soon I'll be doing my 45 minutes of running again. :)
Here are a couple interesting meal choices...
Healthy Shrimp Fried Rice
- 1 cup of brown rice (cooked equals three cups)
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of fresh baby shrimp
- tbsp sesame seeds, toasted
- Soy sauce to taste
- Top with sweet chili sauce
Cook the rice. Then in a medium fry pan scramble the egg over medium heat. Toss in the baby shrimp and toasted sesame seeds and let warm through. Add the rice. Toss with soy sauce and top with sweet chili sauce.
Of course you could add veggies to this, but I didn't have any peas and carrots on hand. This made 3 servings. I ate 2 in one sitting. :( I just felt so hungry Sunday night.
Shrimp Salad with Sweet Sundried Tomato Balsamic Dressing
- 2 cups romaine
- 1/2 cup whole wheat macaroni noodles
- 1 egg, hardboiled and chopped
- 1/2 cup shrimp
- 1/2 serving oyster crackers
- Sweet Sundried Tomato Balsamic Dressing
So I totally didn't mean for this to be photo worthy. And actually the photo is kind of messy. But I was so proud of my dressing. I added the whole wheat noodles for a carb, 'cause I was planning on running that evening (and I did). The noodles were surprisingly delicious.
Recipe for Sweet Sundried Tomato Balsamic Dressing
- 1/2 cup sundried tomatoes (not oil packed)
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 2 tbsp honey
- About 1/4 cup water (more if too thick)
- Salt to taste
Add all the ingredients to a food processor and blend until desired texture. You may have to continue adding water to get the thickness you choose. This dressing is amazing! I don't think I'll ever go back to store bought junk. Unless I am really craving ranch. :)
Until next time my faithful few followers!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Winner of the "Deceptively Delicious" Cookbook Giveaway Announced!
The drawing for the "Deceptively Delicious" Cookbook Giveaway. Drum roll please...
- 1 can of canned pink salmon
- 1 cup of Almond Milk
- 4 tblsp light cream cheese
- 1 cup pureed cauliflower
- 1/2 of a large chicken bouillon cube
- Juice from 1/2 a lemon
- 1 tsp of dill
- Desired amount of whole wheat pasta
First, start the water for the pasta. Meanwhile, heat the milk on medium heat, stirring frequently. Add the cauliflower puree, and cream cheese. Allow the cream cheese to melt. Next add the bouillon, lemon juice, dill and salmon. If necessary, add a little bit of corn starch (follow directions on box) to thicken. Serve over pasta.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I've fallen off the wagon
*hangs head in shame and can't bare to meet your eyes*
I haven't exercised for 3 days and I've lost track of all I've eaten. Bad Shawnee! Here are my excuses. Keep in mind they are just excuses and I know I am entirely at fault for not exercising and not eating clean...
I had a semi stressful event take place on Monday, and knowing that it was coming, I had massive anxiety about it all weekend. On top of that aunt Flo is coming to visit and we all know how much of a pain in the you-know-what she can be.
Like I said, I know that all of these things are just excuses. I should have nipped my naughty behavor in the butt and got off the couch and exercised. I also should not have given into my salt cravings. :(
But instead of dwell on my misfortunes, I can rejoice in some of the good choices I made:
- While I did eat one of my husbands corn dogs for a meal, I only ate one!
- Even though I had a massive craving for Subway, at least I wasn't craving Burger King. I had a 6 inch sub.
- I spent a couple hours cleaning my house.
- Even though my husband came home from his trip yesterday, and I ate fast food twice, *screams* I made good choices for those as well (or better choices at least). I had a McDonalds' Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad (only about 450 calories, with lots of veggies). I also had an Arby's French Dip, with no fries.
Anyway, instead of just sitting and moping about this weekend, I'm going to get right back on that wagon and ride baby ride! I'm going to write down my food intake today, and enter it on SparkPeople. I'm also going to exercise when I get off work.
I can do this, and I will do this! I am not going to let little Mrs. Perfectionist get in my way and tell me that I've screwed up this weekend, so there's no way I can achieve my goal.
One interesting eat in the midst of all this chaos:
My very own Mexican Pizza!
Like I said above, I was having these massive salt cravings, so I really wanted something salty the other day.
I try to always have some homemade pizza crusts on hand (see my July 19 post for a link to the recipe), and I had a bunch of Mexican type toppings left over from when I made my Quesadillas and Mexicana Hummus. Here is what I came up with:
- For the sauce, 2 tbspn hummus, 2 tbspn cream cheese, 1 tbsp salsa.
- Black beans
- Chopped Belle Pepper
- More salsa!
It was the best pizza I've had in a long time, period! ;)
Well, my goal for tomorrow is to wake up early and post. Tonight is Scrappy Tuesday. :) Hope you all have a great one.
-- Shawnee
P.S. I had every intention of making those Spinach brownies, until I realized they also call for carrot puree! I am out of carrots, so maybe I'll get some tonight (or tomorrow??)
P.P.S Not that anyone would notice, but I accidentally deleted my links at the top of my page, under my header. I hope to get those back up in the next couple of days.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Wisdom of a Foodie
Over the last couple of days I've been sharing my thoughts with a fellow foodie on FoodBuzz. Rachel of Laptops and Stovetops told me she is also on a similar self improvement journey. She is living by the motto, "trying to be the best me I can be." And of course I am attempting to "love myself as I am."
I told her my biggest frustration with being a perfectionist is that I want to be all, achieve all, and have all -- perfectly. In other words, I want everything done now, and mastered to perfection! When it doesn't happen the way I think it should, I get frustrated, overwhelmed and give up.
She replied: "When I am getting frustrated with progress, I try to liken myself to a master work of a marbled sculpture. Even if it's just a few minor chips I make each day, I am still working towards my masterpiece."
Thinking back to when started this blog (three months ago or so), I could barely force myself to exercise for 30 minutes a day on a regular basis. Before Rachel made that comment, I thought my silly little "21 Day New Habit Challenge" was a failure. I may not have completed all my goals, but look at me now. I've been exercising regularly since the start of it!
Rachel inspired and reminded me to take one day at a time. To view every step of progress, no matter how small, as a leap on my path towards my final destination. Thanks for the inspiration!
And now my progress of yesterday...
So after going to the bank, and leaving my debit card there, I went grocery shopping. I was on the hunt to find a VitaTop muffin, but Fred Meyer doesn't carry them. They did, however, have Oikos Greek Yogurt!
I've been craving yogurt the last few days, but I won't buy the sugary stuff and I despise plain yogurt. I remember having some Greek Yogurt with fruit and honey at a B&B, and I liked it.
Oikos' flavor is by far less offensive than that of plain yogurt. For a snack, I had 1/2 a cup of Oikos, 1/2 cup blueberries, a little natural applesauce and some honey. Hit the spot.
Doggy Days...
Below is a picture of Maddie with her baby after going for a run. See the way she's lying? She actually sleeps like that. Weirdo. Maddie loves her baby.
"Deceptively Delicious" Mac & Cheese: Deceptively OK