Pizza Wraps:
Dinner ended up being super quick and easy with my Hawaiian Pizza Wraps.
- Flour Tortilla
- Cheese
- Ham/Canadian Bacon
- Pineapple
- Tomato slices
- Pizza sauce
The amount of each ingredient doesn't matter, just stuff that tortilla to your hearts content.
Calories in/Calories Out
Calories in: 1668
Calories out: 237
My goal (as of now) is 1700 calories in and 288 calories out. This is what I need to do to lose 1 pound a week.
I only have a 1/2 hour every morning to exercise, and so sometimes I don't meet my 288 calorie goal. I guess I need to think about possibly cutting my calories in :( . Not something I want to think about doing right now.
Click here to see my cals in/out details at SP. Oh and you might be able to click the pic of my journal above, no promises though. :P Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Weigh in Wednesday:
I'm going to start weighing in on Wednesdays. I kind of copied the idea from "Fat Free Me." I just need to be accountable. For the past 6 months or more I've been fluctuating between 169-173 pounds. At some point I was up to 176 pounds.
Today's weight: 172.2 :( Last week I was at 171.
This bums me out. I'm really against starving myself, and when I eat less than 1500 calories I do feel like I'm starving! I want to lose weight slowly, naturally and healthily.
I'm 5'8 and right now my bmi is "overweight." I really want to be back down in the healthy range. I also want to feel healthy. Right now I don't feel healthy. Anyway, I'm rambling on about this because of the post I read from Jen, a Prior Fat Girl.
Her post just made me realize and question "WHY?" Why are we so freaked out and worried about looking like Angelina Jolie (sorry that's the first name that came into my mind). Life is just too short to worry about these things ladies.
Do I want to lose weight? Yes! I want to lose weight because I don't feel healthy. There is the side of my that wants to lose weight to look good, but that's vanity talking. That's my Perfectionist talking.
Anyway, I can't preach any longer, I'm 12 minutes into my morning exercise time.
Gotta run. Well, I got to lift weights anyway!
P.S. I almost forgot, check out Jen's amazing blog post here.
The pizza wrap is a great idea! I haven't had a Hawaiian pizza in years, mainly probably because I didn't like sweet things with savory foods. But I have recently started to like fruit in my savory dishes, so this would be perfect! I'll have to put it on my "make list." :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so right, life is way too short to worry about looking a certain way. But it's not too short to want to feel our best. Keep doing what feels right; you are on the right path! :)
Happy Wednesday!