Saturday, August 8, 2009

Winner of the "Deceptively Delicious" Cookbook Giveaway Announced!

Happy Saturday morning everyone! I'm sorry I've been so scarce lately. I had a big changes take place in my life this past week, and now I'm back and ready for action! I'll talk about my changes later, but first...

The drawing for the "Deceptively Delicious" Cookbook Giveaway. Drum roll please...

And the winner is...
...STEPHANIE! Who wrote that her favorite childhood comfort foods are "Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches, or my Dad's Minnie Mouse Pancakes :) Yumm!" Well Stephanie there are a couple of pancake recipes in the book that I'm sure you'll add to your favorites. ;)

Congratulations Stephanie! Please send your shipping info. to I'll send the package out on Monday!
Thank you all for entering. This has been a blast!

Shawnee's Creation: Salmon Alfredo with Dill and Lemon

Sometime in the midst of all this craziness, I came up with this dish...

I was just playing around with the plating.

  • 1 can of canned pink salmon
  • 1 cup of Almond Milk
  • 4 tblsp light cream cheese
  • 1 cup pureed cauliflower
  • 1/2 of a large chicken bouillon cube
  • Juice from 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 tsp of dill
  • Desired amount of whole wheat pasta

First, start the water for the pasta. Meanwhile, heat the milk on medium heat, stirring frequently. Add the cauliflower puree, and cream cheese. Allow the cream cheese to melt. Next add the bouillon, lemon juice, dill and salmon. If necessary, add a little bit of corn starch (follow directions on box) to thicken. Serve over pasta.

I topped it with a wee bit of paprika for some color. This was delicious. My husband didn't even notice the cauliflower. See, you can adapt and change ideas in the "Deceptively Delicious" cookbook!

Out with the Old and In with the New

Here is a brief life update:

While, I am a freelance journalist, I also work at my church as my church's office administrator. I have no desire to attempt to live on a novice freelancer's salary. I think we might starve.

Anyway, there are aspects of my job that I love, and other aspects I do not. For example, it is extremely slow, and boring, and there is never any chance of my ever moving up.

I started picturing myself as the secretary who was there before me...for 30 years! I just decided, I can't do that.
I graduated from college with my B.S in English-Journalism in 2008. I have been doing freelance, but I wanted to put my degree to better use. So I started to apply for different jobs.

Well two weeks ago, I got a response. Then a week ago I had a phone interview. Then on Monday I had an in person interview. On Tuesday I was offered the job. And finally on Wednesday I was officially hired. Oh and on Thursday and Friday I went to a Leadership conference in Eugene with my new coworkers.

I'll be an Admissions Councilor for the Adult Degree and Graduate college I graduated from. I am just blown away. I start on the 17th of this month.

That's next Monday folks. This will mean a couple of things: one my church has to scramble to find someone else; two I'll now be working on Fridays and later days; and three my husband and I can go back to school for free (part of my amazing package).

Anyway, I am excited and nervous at the same time. I don't really want to go to church on Sunday, because I am not sure who knows. I may just lay low for awhile.

This will mean I'll have to make some adjustments to when I blog and exercise. So bare with me for the next few weeks as I make some changes.

I hope you all have a fabulous rest of the weekend.



  1. Hello again :)
    I actually had a teeeeeny tiny piece of turkey today.. very wierd! I am going to take it step by step. I see my nutritionist again in like 3 weeks.. I hope by then to eat an actual sandwich w/ it on there! haha, but thank you for the tips :)
