Okay, I had to get that off my chest. Yes, I am in week four of my cycle and I feel grouchy, irritable, and most of all I feel like putting on a lame-sauce
snuggie and watching chick flicks while I eat dark chocolate. Boohoo. It's like, "get over it" right?
I better just do a recap of yesterday...
After a wonderful morning filled with a healthy meal choice, and exercise (I'm on week 3 of my Couch to 5K by the way), Josh and I went on an expedition to find a good eat that we'd both enjoy. I think I must explain that Josh is a burgers, fries and pizza type of guy. He is not appreciative of culinary finds like I am. Oh well.
Our little venture took us to West Edge Gourmet Deli located on Post Alley in Seattle. To find it travel to University and 1st Streets and walk down the Harbor Steps. It is such a great setting. People order their foods from their choice of restaurant and then eat on the steps or at the little picnic tables down below.
We ordered and split a Roger Special. A panini with chicken breast, provolone, sun dried tomatoes and honey mustard instead of mayo.
I also had an orange. Very delicious and I recommend the deli, especially if you're into natural food choices.
That's us on the Harbor Steps.
After lunch we went back to the hotel and I took a little snooze. Talk about a great vacation! When I woke up, Josh told me I could stay at the hotel and relax if I wanted. Oh boy I sooooo wanted to. I didn't feel bad about it either, since his sister and brother-in-law just happened to be going to the same game. I knew he wouldn't be alone.
Josh got 3 balls during batting practice, a few autographs, the game went into the 12th inning and the Mariners won 2 to 1. I figure I am bad luck. LOL
Anyway, while he was gone I had a little pamper time. I did my nails while I watched Sex and the City. :P
Dinner time came around and I decided to try an Indian Place near the hotel (in Bellevue). I am sorry I can't remember the name. I ordered the Okra Masala with the saffron rice. All of the different flavors and spices were delicious. But...
I think they not only cooked my veggies in a boat load of grease, but quite possibly the took a ladle and dumped a little more grease on top just to be safe. Yuck. I only ate half of the veggies and then I had to throw them away. I was too worried it would upset my poor digestive system.
I was still a little hungry, so I went down to the managers reception at the hotel (free drinks and bar snacks) and got some fresh veggies, five corn chips and about 2 tbspn of peanuts for some protein. I took the left over salsa and put it over the rest of the rice.

Then I got like this wild hair and decided to exercise again. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes on the bike. I thought about going back down to the pool to sit in the sauna, but it was so crowded with Little Leaguers that I decided to just take a bath and listen to soothing music.

After my soothing bath I spent the rest of the night googling how to do a natural detox (I'll blog about this later) and I got myself a Fiber One bar from the candy machine and made myself a cup of Orange Spice Tea that I brought with me. Overall, I really enjoyed this relaxing day.
So far today...
We took it easy in the morning and brought our food back up to the room. I had one slice of french toast and topped it with half of a banana (I ate the other half), raisins and about tbsp of syrup. I also had a taste of their potatoes and country gravy mmmmm. I got a yogurt and an orange, but I didn't eat them right there. I ate half of the yogurt about 2 hours later and I saved the orange for a mid day snack. Oh and I also had a small cup of coffee. Overall, good choices.

Josh and I spent the afternoon walking around a couple malls, including the Super Mall in Auburn. I really wanted to find a book store, but nothing! It is so difficult to find a book store sometimes.
I let Josh chose lunch today. He chose Burger King. :( I had a veggie burger with no mayo and a side salad with Lite Italian dressing.
There were so many samples at the mall today. I turned down every single one of them. Yay me. :)
Tonight we're going to the Tacoma Rainier's game. I sure hope there are some healthy options there.
I am still having a great time, even though I feel a little grouchified.
Hope everyone is having great Memorial day weekend.
Hey Girl!!! Ive been keeping up with all your blogs and then it occurred to me that I could comment them! lol I noticed you joined mine!!!! Thanks!!! :) I love blogging :) I think it will help in the healing process of me getting over this mini food battle. I dont know if you read my last blog but I did my balloon ceremony today lol. Sounds silly but it was nice. Just watching a balloon disapear up in the sky. Anyway, sounds like you are having a blast!!!! Love you!!!! Drive safe!!!! :)