Anyway, even after a late start, I was able to have a healthy breakfast at work. I've kind of decided to start documenting my meals. Perhaps it will keep me more accountable to what I eat. I also decided to take photos with my phone. Carrying around a Nikon D40 all the time is not really practical.
Anyhow, I had a cup of Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal, a banana, a 1/4 cup of raisins, a tbsp of almond butter and a 1/2 cup of organic vanilla soy milk.
After I exercised I ate an orange for a snack and then took Maddie out to play (not walking lessons).
I didn't really feel like eating dinner, though I was hungry. So I made a toasted sandwich (on homemade whole wheat bread) with cream cheese and tomatoes.
I was still hungry so I had two sections of imitation crab (not the most natural of food choice, but nothing sounded good today).
After youth group I had a half of a chocolate chip cookie. Oh and I have to admit, I had two spoonfuls of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Oh and two cups of coffee at work.
Over all a good day, health wise anyway. I did do a little mindless snacking, and I had real sugar in my coffee (usually I have Truvia). But, I am not going to beat myself up over it.
I am proud of myself that I completed day two of Couch to 5K. I actually really enjoy the program so far! for more info on Couch to 5K.
P.S. What do you think of using the camera phone? I know it is poor quality compared to the Nikon, but...I don't know. It is easier!
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