First off, I'd just like to say, yes I did exercise. :)
I did a half hour of "Free Step" on my Wii Fit for 30 minutes. For 10 of those minutes I "jogged" on it. I worked up a sweat. So that's good.
Recap of food intake: Big bowl of Puffins Original Gluten Free cereal with 1 cup of almond milk; Odwalla Tango Mango fruit smoothie; an orange; my sweet spinach smoothie; 2 celery stalks; Stir fry with 3 carrot sticks, two celery stalks, big handful of mushrooms, onions and about a cup of broccoli; 1 small squash fried with organic non stick spray; and for desert, orange juice and two cough drops. Oh, and I also had about a tbsp of Sweet Chile sauce on my stir fry. It's all natural and only has 8 grams of sugar.
I am feeling much better today. I still have my head cold, but the chills have subsided and my gallbladder pain is minimal. Tomorrow I go in for my HIDA scan (aka Nuclear Medicine Scan). I can't have any food or drinks for 4 hours before hand. So I can wake up at 6 a.m. and have a big glass of water and some oatmeal or something. I get grains tomorrow! YAY.
I have a feeling I'll have a snack right after I get out of the hospital and then I'll be having dinner with my mother. I think I am going to take her out to my favorite Mexican place, Ixtapa. Since I can have grains, I can have a salad, or a vegetarian burrito. :) I don't want to over do it though, especially since I am just coming off of the detox.
Well, I am going to watch whats left of So You Think You Can Dance, and hit the hay.
P.S. Can you believe I've made it to day 4?
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