Detox Day 5: Add one new food at a time (per meal) including carbohydrates
Friday was a huge day for me. I started out by eating 2 slices of toast with a drizzle of honey and one of my Sweet Spinach Smoothies (I'm hooked) at 7:15 a.m. I couldn't eat or drink anything until after 2 p.m. The reason? I had a HIDA scan aka nuclear medicine scan or gallbladder scan.
It was a strange procedure. First they put an IV in me and shot me up with radioactive medicine so they could actually try to see my gallbladder. I had to lie on this big narrow bed with these huge box things hooked up to one machine, which was surrounding me. The boxes were the cameras. The cameras and the bed were all controlled by a controller. For the first hour, they took pictures of my gallbladder while I slept and listened to Nora Jones. Since they were actually able to see my gallbladder, they gave me some medicine that made my gallbladder squeeze, and then they took pictures of it for another half hour.
I was so hungry and ready to eat by the time I got out of the hospital. I had an Odwalla Strawberry Banana smoothie and two Nature Valley Granola Bars. I slept for about an hour and a half when I got home, then I cleaned house.
My mom came over and we took her out to dinner at a great little Mexican place. I did eat quite a few chips and salsa (oops), but I did get the vegetarian fajitas and I even requested that they saute the veggies in water instead of oil. :) I felt really good about that decision.
Overall, a great day (food wise).
Day 6: Add proteins last; lentils, nuts, oils slowly and chew thoroughly to avoid indigestion.
My mom spent the night, so Saturday morning, I woke up and made us some of my Whole Wheat Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon Waffle's. They are so delicious. For this recipe, simply substitute one part whole wheat flour and one part oatmeal for the amount that your waffle recipe calls for. I also used vanilla soy milk in place of the milk and egg beaters in place of the egg. Also, add in about a half a cup of raisins and a tsp of Cinnamon.
I had two with some almond butter and honey, and I chased it down with organic coffee. Delicious! After breakfast we went to the Salem Farmers Market. I got a bunch of green leaf lettuce, spinach (for smoothies), green onions, zucchini and cucumber. We walked around, looked at the arts and crafts stands, listened to the band and we also got some Italian Ice. OMGoodness I loved it. It was fat free and cholesterol free. It was also made with real fruit. I got peach. :)
For lunch, I made my mom and I quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) lettuce wraps using the lettuce I got at the market.
For this recipe: Cook the quinoa in chicken stalk. After the quinoa is cooked through and all the water is absorbed, add veggies (I added some chopped up left over onion from my fajitas, spinach, grated a carrot and added a little raw sunflower seed, sweet chili sauce and a touch of soy sauce). Mix everything together and let it warm in the pan. Add the quinoa mixture to the lettuce and eat like a taco!
Pretty good. Quinoa is a grain kind of like cous cous, but is high in protein. One serving has 6 grams of protein!
This recipe is totally hippy food. Mom agreed.
For dinner I got this wild idea to make myself a humus sandwich on a whole wheat bun with cucumber. It sounded really good.
I ate about 3/4 of the sandwich and all of my garden herb salad. Ewww you wanna know what's weird? I put on my Italian dressing, and after detoxing, it just tasted way too salty! Strange.
After I ate dinner, Josh asked me to drive him to A&W to get dinner for him. So I did. I decided I wanted an ice cream cone. So I had one. After eating pretty much all of it, I remembered that I had already eaten the Italian ice at the market. Ooops. I also had about 10 of his french fries. They were good. *hides head in shame*
Well, since I gave in to the ice cream and the fries, I decided today would be a new start to eating healthy without being on detox.
For breakfast I had one of my waffles with almond butter, honey, one large strawberry and six black berries.
For dinner, I decided just to have one of my Sweet Spinach Smoothies. This time I had a peach in it instead of a nectarine.
As I drank my smoothie I made up a batch of Raw Brownies. I am sorry, I can't remember the sight I got the recipe from. However and have some recipes that are very close to it.
- 1/8 c coco powder
- 1.5 tbsp honey
- 1/4 raisins
- 1/3 cashews
- 1/6 almonds
- 1/8 oats
- Powdered sugar optional
First, in a food processor, process all the nuts (process as much as desired). Place nuts in a bowl. Try to process the raisins (I chopped mine up). Place raisins in nut bowl. In a small second bowl mix together coco, honey and oats. Poor mixture over nuts and raisins. Mix up the mixture and press mixture into cupcake papers. Keep brownies in the fridge.
They still kind of fall apart, but they taste good.
After dinner and desert, I headed over to youth group. Of course, there are always abundant snacks, so I had two peices of watermellon and a couple big handfuls of Crunch N Munch. I should not have had the later of the two. grrr.
But I worked off my Crunch N Munch with a little exercise.
For exercise the rest of this weekend. I fell short. However, after youth group, I did exercise on the Wii Fit. I did a 1/2 hour of free step with intervals of jogging. I worked up a pretty good sweat.
After exercising, I had two carrot sticks (not baby carrots), and a half a cup of sliced cucumbers.
Goals for healthy eating from now until Disneyland (June 12):
- Continue to eat foods that naturally detox (like the spinach smoothie, dark greens and other insoluble fibers)
- Cut down on sugar and snacking
- Eat limited amounts of grains
- Substitute nuts, beans and other proteins for some of the portions of meat. (I just realized I have not had meat for about 8 days!)
Hope you all had a fantabulous weekend.