My alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. on Friday morning. I didn't get out of bed and rush to yoga like in weeks past. Instead I lay there, and like a 7 year old who had been scolded for her wrong doing, I thought about what I had done.
I thought about my poor eating habits for the past week and my failure to comply to the exercise gods. I came up with two solutions...
1.) A mini-morning fast
2.) Sign up for a 5k
That's right, I'm running a 5k.
Either the 5 hour fast provided me with mental clarity or it completely clouded my brain with a nasty crust of craziness.
I have seven weeks to train. Today is day one. I am going to take up the Lord on his beautiful sunny day and punish myself and push myself and see how far I can run without stopping.
I'll be starting with week 3 of the Couch to 5k running plan, as I can already run for about 5 minutes at a time. My exercise schedule will look like this: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1 hour of yoga and strength training; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, run!
I'll keep you updated with times, distances, triumphs and failures. Wish me luck.
Have an awesome rest of the weekend!
P.S. The picture is from
way to go making goals and turning your day and mood around!