First thing first.
And the winner of the hardcover copy of "The One Day Way" is...
Congratulations Linda. Please send your mailing address to
The American DreamOne area of my life that I have (in the past) allowed perfectionist ideals into my life is a future home. I remember actually saying to my mother-in-law, "I'll never live in anything smaller than 1,500 square feet."
I idealized the American dream as 2,500 square feet, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a gourmet kitchen, three car garage and me vacuuming in high heels and pearls like June Cleaver.
Well, when Josh and I decided to purchase our first home, I had to come to peace with an older smaller home -- a much smaller one.

This 886 square foot home (1200 if you count the finished attic which will be Josh's den), was built in 1926.

It had some updates in the 70s. Please note the terrible drop down ceiling.

But it has some really great features, like the "bay window" with storage underneath, the crown molding on the door and window frames, and the built in hutch. The home also has a nice fenced backyard, a two car garage, and a full basement for storage.

It is definitely a work in progress. Since we closed on the home during the first week of December, we've been spending all of our spare time getting it move-in ready. Our first task was to tear down the drop down ceiling, mud the ceiling, add a faux beam, paint the living/dining room area and add updated lighting.

Ta-da! I am still working on painting the trim and edges. We just got a new water heater put in today and we'll get new appliances next Thursday. The we should be officially moving in.

The house still needs a ton of work. Mostly a bunch of little projects here and there. As well as some big projects like new flooring and an outside paint job.
Anyway, I still feel a little embarrassed about my first home. Some of my friends have big-brand new homes. And soon I plan on inviting those friends over to hang out in my little-tiny modest home. The thing is, I am not envious of their homes. I really love my little house, but my inner perfectionist feels like I need to play catch-up with the Jones'.
The good news is, happiness is not materialism. Nor is it status symbols like granite counter-tops or a master bath the size of my new master bedroom.
I am challenging myself to be content with what I have. To learn to be satisfied with the blessings that God has given me. We are so rich in America. We have clean running water for crying out loud. I am also challenging myself to stop comparing myself with your friends or coworkers. It is not easy, but I'm never going to be happy if I am focusing on other peoples' "happiness."
Have you been comparing something you have or don't have with something a friend or coworker has?
Many Blessings,